Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Practice Battle Over/Promotions

We did an excellent job at the practice battle. The random warriors had only one member, their commander. We had three members, me, adp2510, and nerd2510. As promised, the members who made the battle have been promoted.

Nerd2510: You did a good job following orders, and took command a bit too. You had good tactics, and followed the enemy well.

Acp2510: Same for you. good job both of you for being promoted to private.

Dsteenson out.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011


This counts towards ranks, this will get you ranked up at least once.

What: War with RPW

When: 3:00 P.M. EST, 12:00 P.M PST

Server: Klondike

Day: Wednesday.

Please be here, you will get promoted

First War/First Offical Tactic Session.

Shmoo2u760 may be fired, she has her own army, and I am declaring war on it, RANDOM PENGUIN WARRIORS WILL DIE :). I know Shmoo2u760 in real life, and she has the flu. This may postpone the war.

Event Two: Tactic Session

When: Saturday, 12 feb.

Time: 1:00 p.m. EST

What: Tactic Session

Dsteenson out